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时间:2020-06-13 17:50:02 作者:租号谷平台


借刀杀人其实是一部很老的影片了,或许很多人对里面的情节已经遗忘的差不多了,但那里面的歌曲真的很不错。《shadow on the sun》就是影片中那两只狼走过的时候放的音乐。当时的画面是小汤和黑人司机一起开车在某段路面,路面上突然行走着几只狼,狼的眼神孤独而犀利。这时,司机缓慢行驶,音乐渐渐播出。那种情景给人的凄凉感,是难以言表的。小汤在影片中作为一名杀手,身处异乡,就如同那两只野狼一样,没有朋友,只有一个被他威逼的出租车司机......再写就成剧透了,大家还是看看这部片子吧。歌词:Once upon a time I was of the mind

To lay your burden down

And leave you where you stood

And you believed I could

You'd seen it done before

I could read your thoughts

Tell you what you saw

And never say a word

Now all that is gone

Over with and done-never to return

I can tell you why

People die alone

I can tell you I'm

A shadow on the sun

Staring at the loss

Looking for a cause

And never really sure

Nothing but a hole

To live without a soul

And nothing to be learned

I can tell you why

People go insane

I can show you how

You could do the same

I can tell you why

The end will never come

I can tell you I'm

A shadow on the sun

Shapes of every size

Move behind my eyes

Doors inside my head

Bolted from within

Every drop of flame

Lights a candle in

Memory of the one

Who lives inside my skin

I can tell you why

People go insane

I can show you how

You could do the same

I can tell you why

The end will never come

I can tell you I'm

The shadow on the sun




正常来说一般是100-150 左右为一个月的价格 然后1年的费用为1200 左右

1个季度为300 左右。以上是12人服务器


广东12人比赛F 120/月 300/季 600/半年

广东16人比赛F 150/月 400/季 700/半年



文化路100号  南塔鞋城那边 速八酒店     在那的小区楼上  有一家    QQ是1882056


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